Proxy configuration atlasboard

Issue #142 new
GANACHAUD Léo created an issue


I have a problem with my proxy, i can't use google job with my actual configuration. How can i configure atlasboard proxy address ?

proxy : http://user:password@ip-entreprise

Comments (6)

  1. GANACHAUD Léo reporter


    My problem with my proxy is a bit more complicated. I have set npm proxy with :

    npm config set proxy htttp://user:password@myproxy:8080 npm config set https-proxy://user:passwordmyproxy:8080 npm set strict-ssl false

    the npm proxy run with no problem. We could ascertain because updating of npm have work.

    But atlasboard have problems with api google, I don't receive data of google-analytics.

    So, How and where i configure atlasboard proxy ?

  2. PiiXiieeS

    Not sure whether you are trying to run atlasboard in Windows, Mac or anything else. For Windows you may have to setup the proxy environment variables to be used directly by nodejs programs

    set http_proxy=http://your_proxy:your_port
    set http_proxy=http://username:password@your_proxy:your_port
    set https_proxy=https://your_proxy:your_port
    set https_proxy=https://username:password@your_proxy:your_port
  3. YLemoine

    Hi All, I'm working on this subject with Leo.

    Our OS is Windows.

    Actually, the proxy parameters have been entered in the npm config :

    npm config set proxy your_proxy_user:your_password@your_proxy:your_port
    npm config set https-proxy your_proxy_user:your_password@your_proxy:your_port
    npm config set strict-ssl false

    With that, as stated by Leo, the npm update is operational. but the Atlassian module for Google APIs isn't calling our proxy.

    Next, we have done the following thing :

    In the following file \packages\atlassian\jobs\google-analytics\google-analytics.js we put the following :

    process.env.HTTPS_PROXY = 'your_proxy:your_port';

    With that parameter, it is good during a little time (-= 10 minutes) it seems that an existing proxy token is used and when this tokens expire, we have to go in a browser and access a website to re-enable the proxy connection.

    @Jose Gascon, do you set these vars in the globalAuth.json file ??


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