size widget weird behaviour

Issue #143 resolved
alexandre created an issue

hello I have a problem with the size of my widget in my dashboard, I have two widgets at the top and they should have the same size.


"layout": {
    "customJS": [],
    "widgets": [

      {"row": 1,  "col": 1, "width": 3, "widget": "mmatableau", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga"},
      {"row": 1,  "col": 2, "width": 3, "widget": "mmatab2rt", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga-conf2"},
      {"row": 2,  "col":1, "width": 6, "height":2, "widget": "histogramme", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga-histogramme"}

even if I create the height parameter i have the same view.

"layout": {
    "customJS": [],
    "widgets": [

      {"row": 1,  "col": 1, "width": 3, "height": 0.5, "widget": "mmatableau", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga"},
      {"row": 1,  "col": 2, "width": 3, "height":0.5, "widget": "mmatab2rt", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga-conf2"},
      {"row": 2,  "col":1, "width": 6, "height":2, "widget": "histogramme", "job": "google-analytics", "config": "ga-histogramme"}

How can I resolve this ?

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