Add some supervisor/ forever scripts to samples/project

Issue #34 resolved
Iván Loire created an issue

or any related documentation of how to use them, so the user knows how to start/stop the background process.

Comments (11)

  1. udhent

    Hello ivan, i'm trying to use atlasboard that connected to cisco ccx informix, i'm using no hup for start atlasboard as daemon. but, every time connection to informix get lost my atlasboard crash and stop.

    how do i deploy atlasboard to production server?,

    thank you.

  2. udhent

    Sorry it crashed by too much informix connection open.

    Do you mind if you write step by step guide to deploy atlasboard using forever or supervisord

    Thank you.

  3. Iván Loire reporter

    This is how we start it:

    forever start ../atlasboard/lib/cli/cli.js start 4444

    and how we stop the process:

    forever stop /Users/atlassian/atlasboard-host/atlasboard/lib/cli/cli.js

    We didn't need to configure any --minUptime, --spinSleepTime but you probably need to!

  4. udhent

    this my current dir:


    i try and run the script like this but it says could'nt find valid atlasboard dashboard

    forever /usr/lib/node_modules/atlasboard/lib/cli/cli.js start
    warn:    --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
    warn:    --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
    I couldn't find a valid AtlasBoard dashboard. Try generating one with `atlasboard new DASHBOARDNAME`.
    error: Forever detected script exited with code: 0

    but when i try to run without forever it's success

     me@host$ /usr/lib/node_modules/atlasboard/lib/cli/cli.js start
    Checking npm dependencies for /home/nasa/kantor/cisco_uccx/ccrwallboard/packages/default...
       AtlasBoard server started. Go to: http://localhost:3000 to access your dashboard 

    thank you

  5. Simon Clark

    I've been using supervisor for this: cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/atlasboard.conf

    command=atlasboard start

    then "sudo service supervisor restart" to load the new config

    then "supervisorctl restartall" when you want to re-start the board.

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