Allow widget's CSS to be written in Stylus

Issue #5 resolved
Alex Dickson created an issue

Our CSS is all processed by Stylus.

We should let the widgets too. There shouldn't be too much of a hurdle as Stylus is a superset of CSS.

Comments (6)

  1. Iván Loire

    Sounds good. We are rendering CSS now on demand for every widget. I wonder if we can share global variables across all different stylus files..

  2. Chris Kiehl Account Deactivated

    While we are at it we should provide some global variables for common colors that work well together

  3. Iván Loire

    I spiked a little bit about this yesterday and came with an easy way to define a per theme stylus palette that your <widget>.styl can extend.

  4. Iván Loire

    This is merged in pre-1.0-release and it would be released (1.0) soon. Widgets written in Stylus have access to Atlassboard's colors palette.

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