How to create custom widget?

Issue #83 resolved
Vinicius Carvalho created an issue

I have a widget created by me and my job is not able to access this widget. Console.log putting it plots the information , but does not show in atlasboard . My widget is this:

widget = {
    onData: function(el, data) {
        $('.content', el).empty();

        if (data.title) {
            $('h2', el).text(data.issues);

        if (data.issues.length) {
            data.issues.forEach(function(issue) {
                $('.content', el).append(
                    "<div class='item-container'>" +
                        "<div class='issue'>" + issue.title + "</div>" +
                        "<div class='count'>" + issue.issue_id + "</div>" +


and I am accessing this information the jobs are as follows:

function getCreatedWorflowArray(issue_id){
    var sla = {}
    var issues = []
        if(log.issue===issue_id && log.field === 'status'){
            issues.push({issue_id: log.issue,
            title: json_query(['issues[id=?].title', log.issue], {data: json_data}).value,
            created_on: moment(log.created_on, moment.ISO_8601).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
            changed_from: log.changed_from,
            changed_to: log.changed_to})
    sla.issues = sortByKey(issues, 'created_on')
    return sla

module.exports = function(config, dependencies, job_callback) {
    /*issues = [{"issueType" : "New_to_Open", "frequency" : 28,},
        {"issueType" : "Broken build", "frequency" : 20},
        {"issueType" : "Usability Issue", "frequency" : 16},
        {"issueType" : "Compilation Error", "frequency" : 13}]*/
    issues = JSON.stringify(getCreatedWorflowArray(24))

    job_callback(null, {issues: issues, title: config.widgetTitle})

Why is not appearing on my screen atlasboard , what's wrong ?

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