Job should be able to create its own routes to listen to incoming request

Issue #87 resolved
Horst Samulowitz created an issue


Based on a click in the WIDGET I want to change the data that is going to be used in a JOB.

Is there anyway to POST (or any other way) to a JOB so that it can request different data from the RESTAPI?

For instance can I make a JOB that listens and a WIDGET (e.g. with a JQUERY POST) can post to it? Or is there any other way to pass information from the WIDGET to the JOB?

Thanks a lot, Horst

Comments (7)

  1. Iván Loire

    At the moment jobs don't expose any public routes or socket channels to clients, but this is something we will be looking into for the future.

  2. Horst Samulowitz reporter


    Thanks for your reply. Could I simply change the atlasboard source (e.g., atlasboard.js) and add a listener that looks at the POSTs of a widget?

    Cheers, Horst

  3. Iván Loire

    Hi Horst,

    Can you please share your use case? We will invest some time in extensibility in the near future. Thanks

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