Merge master into wpe enhanced

#151 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in merge-master-into-wpe-enhanced (pull request #151)

71280f9·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-07-30


This is a merge of master into of the current wpe-enhanced branch, to make sure wpe-enhanced is up to date with master when we merge it in.

I’ve been through the changes and have found nothing conflicting. Changes detailed below.


function atl_awsLinuxAmi now requires a second param which is set in export AWS_LINUX_VERSION="2018.03.0". In wpe-aws this is set to '2018.03’ which I think is better - we would want more recent amis (/)

It is a new version of AWS linux, for the zfs-install. This is already done in wpe-aws (/)


build-ami also checks that AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set - we do this already in the wpe-aws repo’s (/)


Confluence template has extra param (will follow up with Maks as to why):


executedRemoteOperationCount was removed from confluence-collectd.conf - collectd stuff doesn’t work so this is inconsequential (/)


rpm-gpg-key-zfsonlinux was created - it’s used for verifying the signature of the zfs-release package and a change to gpg checking in (/)


The Jira template was in JSON and had a bugfix we don’t need (to add a newline in /etc/atl which we are not affected by because we use YAML), and changed the SSLCertificateId from being a concatenation of known params and the SSLCertificateName to requiring the user to enter the full SSLCertificateARN. I do not believe we want this change, so I have not made it in the YAML template.

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