s3 artifact handler missing region parameter

Issue #3 resolved
Milos Kleint created an issue

The module doesn't seem to be able to update the configuration of artifact management because we do not specify which region the bucket is going to be in. Here's an example of the alert: sandbox-bamboo.production.aws.buildeng.atlassian.com Bamboo_artifact_handler[s3]: access_key_id changed from XXXX to YYYY secret_access_key has changed failure: Could not update /rest/admin/latest/artifactHandlers/s3 at http://localhost:8086: 400 Bad Request, details: custom.artifactHandlers.comAtlassianBambooPluginArtifactHandlerRemote:S3ArtifactHandler:region: Region is required

Comments (2)

  1. Milos Kleint Account Deactivated reporter

    released 1.1.1 that only works with latest milestones of upcoming bamboo 5.16. 1.1.x will not properly work on bamboo 5.15 when s3 artifact handlers are used.

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