really skip Qsh verification in checkValidToken

#125 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

Somehow this PR had no reviewers, now contains conflicts and is 3 years old. Please re-raise if you'd still like this change

Closed by: ·2020-05-04


With this fix almost static add-on could use jwt claims from html page to authenticate further requests to add-on api backend, when necessary.

E.g. add-on requires JWT for authentication in atlassian-connect.json, but serves static html for general page, e.g.

"modules": { "generalPages": [{ "url": "/timereports.html?project.key={project.key}",

So that in JIRA add-on is loaded with jwt token in query, e.g.:

Note, jwt param includes qsh, for query hash.

Add-on can call it's own backend from browser using atlToken, which does not include qsh.

However in case of static page, it does not have clean atlToken without qsh, and it would be nice if it were possible to use JWT from original query instead in add-on api checkValidToken.

It does not compromise security.

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