Please update to the latest version of Play

Issue #6 wontfix
Robert Massaioli created an issue

This is currently 2.4.6 but will change as time passes:

This was opened after this question was raised:

Comments (7)

  1. Masudur Rahman Account Deactivated

    I'm using:

    • scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
    • sbt.version=0.13.11
    • "" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.5.3"
    • "com.atlassian.connect" % "ac-play-java_2.10" % "0.10.1" withSources()

    and having following error:


  2. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    This project is no longer maintained by Atlassian and we do not anticipate implementing this change. External contributions are welcome!

  3. Parag Bhole

    Hi @sebr, thanks for the update, I wonder why Atlassian stopped supporting play framework and moved to spring boot. Can you please let us know the reasons, which will help us decide whether to migrate or not to spring boot.

  4. Einar Pehrson

    @paragbhole, there are four main reasons for why we have decided to discontinue support for this library.

    • Priorities: The Atlassian Connect team maintains many different software components with limited engineering resources. Also, our investment in Connect client frameworks over the last few years has been limited.
    • Play!'s popularity among Connect add-on developers: atlassian-connect-express is far more popular than atlassian-connect-play-java among add-on developers, despite the strong Java presence in our ecosystem.
    • Play!'s popularity among Java developers: Since the launch of Spring Boot, Spring's market share (see ZeroTurnaround's Java Tools and Technologies Landscape Report 2016) has continued to grow and now dwarfs that of Play!.
    • Maintenance cost associated with Play!: Backwards compatibility for the Play! framework has been lacking (see for example AC-1206).

    Having worked a fair bit with Spring Boot, I have nothing but good things to say about it. Please do give atlassian-connect-spring-boot a spin and let us know what you think!

  5. Parag Bhole

    Thank you @epehrson for explanation. It will be time taking to move from play to spring boot for us, but we will have to try it out sooner than later.

  6. Anna Nagy Account Deactivated

    If you want your Pipelines builds to be able to access a different Bitbucket repository (other than the repo where the builds run):

    1. Add an SSH key to the settings for the repo where the build will run, as described in Step 1 above (you can create a new key in Bitbucket Pipelines or use an existing key).
    2. Add the public key from that SSH key pair directly to settings for the other Bitbucket repo (i.e. the repo that your builds need to have access to). 
      See Access keys for details on how to add a public key to a Bitbucket repo.??

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