Issue/PLUGWEB-402 missing fix

#349 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in issue/PLUGWEB-402_missing_fix (pull request #349)

b75c5ab·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-01-23


  • JSEV-1059 - Add support for resource descriptors that give an alternative "pre-built" resource location.

    This resource location will be used in preference to the provided location only if the user is not in dev mode. The WebResourceIntegration SPI contains provisions to specify whether compiled resources are enabled.

    Harvested from Jonathon Geeves' changes in CPLUGWEB-54 and CPLUGWEB-56.

  • PLUGWEB-402 Fixed issue where duplicate async resource contexts and modules get loaded if using async require multiple times

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