Issue/plugdev 258

#255 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in issue/PLUGDEV-258 (pull request #255)

3ebc184·Author: ·Closed by: ·2016-05-23



Nikhil found bug that despite all tests I've done in atlassian event in refapp scope from annotation is not picked up somehow.

After debugging I found out that refapp uses default selects, which are 99% do what annotations handles do in atlassian-event... The only exception that at plugin level marker annotation defaulted to @PluginEventListener vs. EventListener in atlassian-event.

One more thing that anonymous classes in MethodSelectorListenerHandler and copy&paste of what atlassian event has...

Because event publisher is derived from PluginEventManager and few other quirks I'm not going to remove this duplication now and instead will just copy&paste (sorry guys!) thing which I've done in atlassian event.

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