SAL-371 Upgrade SAL to 3.2.0-abbce37 and export PermissionEnforcer implemenation

#191 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

The majority of the changes for this pull request have been applied elsewhere. I'll pull in the last couple in a separate, smaller pull request.

Closed by: ·2018-09-28


SAL 3.2.0 will introduce a new PermissionEnforcer interface that can be used by plugins to easily enforce admin/sysadmin/is-logged-in permissions. The change is currently still in review but is close to being merged.

This adds a PermissionEnforcer implementation to refapp. I've currently overridden the sal version in the refapp pom.xml. When SAL 3.2.0 is released, I'll update the com.atlassian.platform:platform to provide SAL 3.2.0. (doing that now just creates a lot of maven busy work)

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