REST-415 Make project compatibile with Java 9 and 10

#178 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in issue/REST-415-java9-and-10-compatibility (pull request #178)

6c5205e·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-07-11


  • Upgrades public-pom to 5.0.18 to upgrade various maven plugins to versions that are compatible with Java 9 and 10

  • Upgrade platform to 5.0.0-bebf040, which exports the java-ee standalone dependencies that are no longer exported by Java 9 and 10

  • Add provided dependencies on reference implementations for jaxb and javax.activation to allow compilation under Java 10

  • Switch integration tests to using tomcat85x because Tomcat 8.0.x is problematic under Java 10

  • Replace all usages of commons-lang with commons-lang3

  • Upgrade Mockito to 2.18.3 and update all Mockito tests

  • Many small clean up changes


This PR makes big steps towards Java 10 compatibility, but there are a few issues remaining:

  • the integration tests don't work yet because there's no version of (released) refapp that works under Java 9 or 10. This is a chicken-and-egg problem, because refapp needs Java 10 compatible versions of atlassian-rest and active-objects-plugin.

  • on Java 10, building the atlassian-rest-refimpl-plugin-v2 when generating the REST documentation because AMPS uses a version of maven-javadoc-plugin that doesn't work on Java 10.

I have local patched versions of refapp and amps that work on Java 10, and with these versions, atlassian-rest builds on Java 8, 9 and 10, complete with integration tests.

The aim is to create a milestone release of altassian-rest once this PR is merged, then get a refapp release that works on Java 10 and finally update atlassian-rest to use this version of refapp. At that point, a working version of AMPS should also be available.


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