REST-416: Load atlassian-plugin.xml from classpath if it's not found at atlassian-plugin.xml.path or target/classes.

#179 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/REST-416-load-atlassian-plugin-xml-classpath (pull request #179)

1a3b911·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-05-28


The order in which atlassian-plugin.xml is looked for

1) At system property atlassian-plugin.xml.path

2) target/classes

3) In classpath

  • This is required to maintain backward compatibility to the versions prior to the introduction of atlassian-plugin.xml.path.

  • Bitbucket server runs the mvn command from the root so it couldn't find atlassian-plugin.xml in target/classes and it's cumbersome to pass in atlassian-plugin.xml.path for each plugin.

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