Issue/CONFSRVDEV-7872 java quickcheck

#61 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

declining for now, will reopen when time permits

Closed by: ·2019-11-21


  • CONFSRVDEV-7872: upgrade maven and project version, ready for quickcheck

  • CONFSRVDEV-7872: welcome quickcheck to our webdriver stuff

  • CONFSRVDEV-7872: replace usages of some deprecated methods

Before you come running after me for these changes : “Quickcheck + Webdriver … oh no viqueen what were you thinking !!”

  1. I really only need this for our rest stateless tests, so we can start verifying things like

    1. when you create a content, you can search for it (rely on shrinking our data sets to cover cases with funky encoding + indexing)

    2. cant create pages with duplicate titles (again corner cases with funky encoding will be “covered”)

  2. Our stateless rest test runner … is sadly built on top of the AbstractProductContextRunner , it just does some clever unwiring of the page binder and all that jazz, which means that when we only run rest stateless tests we still need to carry over all the atlassian-webdriver-core dependencies

  3. I have been in the middle of butchering confluence stateless test runner and splitting it into logical rest vs webdriver runners , but got sidetracked by roadmappy things.

  4. I have actually had this running for a bit over a year now, I shamlessly cut a milestone release of whatever I need to build a POC , I must admit it’s pretty neat. Please search for backup-confluence-quickcheck on stash to see it in action

The builds are on eco-bac btw, i’ll see what needs to be done to get them linked here properly

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