SCANNER-766: fail if component is both imported and exported

#68 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in sdudley/atlassian-spring-scanner/SCANNER-766 (pull request #68)

9bbeea1·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-12-05


I got hit by SCANNER-766 when accidentally adding @ComponentImport and @ExportAsService to a component within the same plugin.

Not only does this cause an obscure error message at plugin load time, but the failed load also forces UPM to wait for 300 seconds before allowing the user to try again (at least on Jira), which made debugging the source of the problem really time-consuming.

This patch has fairly narrow scope, and at least in my tests, it prevents the most obvious methods of shooting yourself in the foot.

I don't know if your team takes external pull requests, but in any case, perhaps someone will find the patch useful.

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