"build has been killed" log message should go to the stderr

Issue #7 new
user99 created an issue

Currently the "This build has been killed by the HBK (Hung Build Killer)" goes to the standard output (marked as "simple" in the log), so you don't see it on the summary page, however it's quite important to know it's happened, and anyway it's not a normal event what should go to the stdout. Would be much better to send this message to the stderr what is visible as "error" in bamboo log, and also appear on the summary page of the job.

Example from one of our log:

build   14-Sep-2016 10:18:39    
simple  14-Sep-2016 10:49:10     _   _  ____  _  _
simple  14-Sep-2016 10:49:10    ( )_( )(  _ \( )/ )
simple  14-Sep-2016 10:49:10     ) _ (  ) _ < )  ( 
simple  14-Sep-2016 10:49:10    (_) (_)(____/(_)\_) 
simple  14-Sep-2016 10:49:10    This build has been killed by the HBK (Hung Build Killer). Either Bamboo has detected the build has hung or it has been manually stopped.

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