Copy variable - Environment Variable Empty

Issue #5 new
Tom Adamo created an issue

I'm attempting to use the "Copy variable" task to copy a deployment environment variable.

This is the config... Variable Definition From: deploy.release To: my.deploy.release

Scope Plan/Deployment Environment

The log shows that it seems to work: simple 24-Feb-2016 15:39:13 Starting task 'Update Release Version Variable' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.variable.updater.variable-updater-generic:copy-variable' simple 24-Feb-2016 15:39:13 Variable wasn't found in the Build context. It possibly doesn't exist. simple 24-Feb-2016 15:39:13 Set ENVIRONMENT level variable my.deploy.release to new value simple 24-Feb-2016 15:39:13 Finished task 'Update Release Version Variable' with result: Success

All this ends up doing is blanking out the variable I have setup: my.deploy.release. I think this is a bug, but maybe I have it setup incorrectly? Thanks for the help!

Comments (2)

  1. Anwar ul Hassan

    Hey Tom,

    I am facing exactly the same issue. Were you able to resolve this issue or is there any other work around for this?

    Will really appreciate your help in this regard. Thanks!

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