Gulp needs nodejs on path

Issue #30 resolved
T created an issue

Could it be possible to add the node exectuable to the path when running a gulp task? Currently I'm using it with elastic bamboo on which node is not set on the path and caused some errors. I'm setting it on the path variable using the extra environment variables but this is not really scalable and it is duplication because the gulp task needs the nodejs as a capability.

Comments (3)

  1. Marcin Oles

    For which version of the plugin does this problem appear?

    I think that we shouldn't set PATH unless really necessary - it's sort of hacky. Since plugin version 1.7 Gulp is executed in a different way - instead of calling <pathToGulp> <arguments> we call <pathToNode> <pathToGulp> <arguments>, which should explicitly use the correct Node.js version, and shouldn't require modifying PATH variable.

    So if the problem existed with an older version of Bamboo Node.js Plugin, I suggest just upgrading it to the newest and verifying if the problem still occurs.

    Issue #29 seems to be similar, but related to npm.

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