Grunt support

Issue #11 resolved
Enzo Martin created an issue

Grunt support would be very welcome for this plugin

Alternatively I'd be very happy if there's a work-around for:

        throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Administrator\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\NB-DOC-JOB1\grunt'

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Berry

    @EnzoMartin, have you added grunt to your devDependencies and are doing a npm install first before trying any grunt commands?

  2. Enzo Martin reporter

    Of course, running it from the directory that Bamboo creates/uses works fine, as does running non-Grunt scripts through Bamboo, Mocha tests are working as well

  3. Enzo Martin reporter

    It just occurred me to that it was running from the directory root instead of node_modules. I changed the working directory and it's working now.

    Sorry about that, was clearly way more tired than I thought I was when setting these up.

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