Deployment support for Grunt

Issue #18 resolved
m created an issue

I think it would be useful to be able to run Grunt from deployment tasks. Although I don't personally work with it so much (yet), I've been introduced to many projects where it's used for so many scripting tasks.

Although most of the other tasks here don't seem (to me, at least) to have much use in deployment mode, Grunt certainly does.

I'd be happy to do this myself when I find a few cycles, but maybe someone will beat me to it (or point out why it might not be such a good idea)

Comments (7)

  1. Jason Berry

    From what I understand this would actually be fairly trivial to do, it would only require the task to implement com.atlassian.bamboo.task.CommonTaskType instead of com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskType.

  2. m reporter

    Oh, and I was thinking last night that the node.js script task and npm task might also benefit by being deployment tasks. For node script, you just never know, and it's a script language. For npm, npm publish is an excellent use-case...

  3. Marcin Oles

    I've slightly altered Grunt, Node and npm tasks (according to Jason's suggestion), so now they can be used in deployment projects as well.

    @issacg Unfortunately I don't have access to the repository you posted the link to.

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