Rebuild Request

Issue #4 resolved
Andrew Sheedy created an issue

Can the master branch branch be merged back into the mocha branch?

Really wanting to try out the mocha task but needing the more upto date nodejs tasks

Comments (6)

  1. Jason Berry

    I'm thinking of actually leaving the Node plugin as-is, but pulling out the test collecting into a separate plugin for better separation of concerns.

    I've started work on a TAP (Test Anything Protocol) plugin which Bamboo will be able to use to read the test results. Mocha has a TAP reporter, as do many other test frameworks, so this will serve more than just Node users :)

  2. Andrew Sheedy reporter

    Ah goodo +1 to taking the collector out and stand it up in its own right. I've quickly hacked up the same thing, just excluding the nodejs stuff and renaming the package. Seems to work ok so far.

    TAP would be nice too

  3. m

    FWIW I toyed a bit with TAP collecting on Perl and with Mocha, but found it hard to convert to the TestResult. It never quite displayed to my satisfaction. Specifically, categorizing the errors into groups (which worked kinda ok with Perl where TAP will do each file of it's own, but not with mocha which lumped them together), and having some idea of test duration, which TAP (AFAIK) doesn't really include.

    The JSON mocha reporter was also excellent and worked out of the box, but was missing some data that Bamboo could prettify, so I figured I'd roll a set that worked together, which is what happened.

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