Update marketplace Bamboo supported versions

Issue #2 resolved
Cintia Del Rio Calvo created an issue

I just tested the plugin in Bamboo 5.13, and it appears to work fine.

But marketplace doesn't reflect that https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.atlassian.bamboo.plugin.bamboo-predator-plugin/server/overview making the installation harder for new users.

Also, marketplace doesn't point to this repository.

Comments (7)

  1. Michael Knight
    • changed status to open

    Hey @cintiadr, I just got Martin to do this (seems I don't have permission) and it looks like it's updated now. How does it look on your end?

    I've asked IT for access and will point it to this repo once they give it to me.

  2. Cintia Del Rio Calvo reporter

    Apparently UPM doesn't get the new information unless I uninstall and install it again, but I can find it from Find Add-ons, so it's good :)


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