Upload to Sonatype or Maven Central

Issue #2 new
Dessie K created an issue

Can you deploy the release candidates to maven central or sonatype public repo?

Comments (5)

  1. Adrien Ragot (Personal)

    Hi DessieK,

    I once looked into it and it required too much configuration for the time I had available. If you know how to do it and have credentials for it, feel free to do it. Perhaps not under the groupId "com.atlassian" as it may collide with Atlassian's public packages.

    Note that I'm not working for Atlassian. I believe my answer is genuine but if an Atlassian member answers, please give a higher credit to it.

    Cheers, Adrien

  2. Benny Neugebauer

    Hi Adrien, what do I have to configure in order to use your plugin? My IDE always tells me the following: "Plugin com.atlassian.maven.plugins:bash-maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT or one of its dependencies could not be resolved".

    I added the following to my pom.xml:


    What else do I need to add so that your plugin can be found by Maven?

  3. Benny Neugebauer

    Ok. I think I got the idea... It looks like I have to install your plugin in my local Maven repository first in order to reference it in one of my projects, am I right? If yes... I think you plugin has enough value to get hosted in a public Maven repo like codehaus, don't you think the same!?

  4. Adrien Ragot (Personal)

    Concerning your first question, it is necessary to add the "pluginGroup" in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:


    Concerning uploading to Maven Central, feel free to help us by uploading it yourself to Maven Central or OSSRH. Thank you.

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