How can I run multiple bash scripts using this plugin independently from each other?

Issue #3 new
Sahil Jawa created an issue

The idea is to create multiple maven configurations in my IDE for executing different bash scripts in the given project environment. Is it possible to do so?

                        echo "The best cook is: $COOK"
                        echo "${}"
                        exit 1
                    <script> ... </script>

Thanks Jawa

Comments (4)

  1. Adrien Ragot (Personal)

    Hi Jawa,

    Have you tried putting the <configuration> tag inside the <execution> one? So you can have a different configuration for each execution. It's shown in the Maven documentation, so I'm hoping this would work.

  2. Sahil Jawa reporter

    Hi Adrien,

    Thanks for answering. I have not yet tried it, but will try it and let you know soon.


  3. Adrien Ragot (Personal)

    Great Sahil! Your answer will certainly be helpful to other people.

    Dear Atlassian people, I'm only a viewer on this project, so I can't close this issue. Feel free to close it. Alternatively, feel free to add me as an administrator if it's compatible with your permission policy. Kind regards, Adrien

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