Pull requests prompt for unspecified value

Issue #13 resolved
Christopher Joslyn created an issue
$ stash pull-request master demo --trace
Please enter a value between 0 and 32768 characters

I recently updated git. Possibly related to git version 1.9.2.

Comments (10)

  1. Christopher Joslyn reporter

    No longer believe this is related to git. Tried with versions 1.9.1, 1.9.0, and I got the same result.

  2. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    A few questions:

    1. Which version of Ruby are you running?
    2. Have you upgraded Ruby recently?
    3. Does the error exist when you do not run with the --trace argument?
    4. Is there any more error log?
    5. Which platform are you running on?
  3. Christopher Joslyn reporter
    $ ruby --version
    ruby 1.9.3p429 (2013-05-15 revision 40747) [x86_64-darwin11.4.2]

    I did not upgrade ruby recently.

    $ stash pull-request master demo
    Please enter a value between 0 and 32768 characters

    No other error information is presented.

    My platform is Mac OS 10.9.2.

  4. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    Can you please run the following command inside your git repo:

    git log --reverse --format=%s master..demo

    I suspect the problem is that the cli is sending an "empty" description, which is calculated from the git log.

  5. Christopher Joslyn reporter

    I don't see an empty description when I run that command.

    Since the branches have moved on, I can no longer reproduce.

  6. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    I've defensively added a check for an empty description, but without a way to reproduce I'll have to close.

    Thanks for the report!

  7. Christopher Joslyn reporter

    @sebr The cat came back today. I thought this might interest you:

    $ stash pull-request demo -o
    error: 757: unexpected token at '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
    <title>502 Bad Gateway</title>
    <h1>Bad Gateway</h1>
    <p>The proxy server received an invalid
    response from an upstream server.<br />
    <address>Apache/2.2.25 (Amazon) Server at PRIVATE-DOMAIN Port 80</address>
    '. Use --trace to view backtrace

    Then shortly after:

    $ stash pull-request demo -o
    Please enter a value between 0 and 32768 characters


    $ stash --version
    Atlassian Stash CLI 0.1.9
  8. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    The first response is because Stash or your proxy seems to have been down.

    Please upgrade to version 0.2.0 which should fix the empty description issue.

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