Should not store password in plaintext

Issue #9 resolved
Xavier Shay created an issue

stash configure stores your password in plain text in ~/.stashconfig.yml, with no warning. This is particularly bad since most installations will be using LDAP login (or something like it), so this password is valid for many more things than Stash.

Should use OAuth instead.

Comments (7)

  1. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    I agree. The configuration file is stored with a permission bit of 0600 to reduce impact.

    I doubt that I will have any time to implement OAuth in the command line tools.

  2. Seb Ruiz Account Deactivated

    Naturally, ruby-keychain only supports the OSX keychain. I believe OAuth would be a better implementation as it does not require a password to be stored and is platform agnostic.

  3. rajsahae

    Other password based config files allow you to use any shell command (such as a gpg command) to retrieve the password.

    goobook and msmtp both use a "passwordeval" key that takes a system command, for example:


    passwordeval: gpg --no-tty --quiet --decrypt ~/.account-password.gpg


    passwordeval gpg --no-tty --quiet --decrypt ~/.msmtp-gmail.gpg
    passwordeval gpg --no-tty --quiet --decrypt ~/.msmtp-work.gpg

    I like this approach as you can use whatever shell command you want to evaluate and return your password.

    You could pull the command in via a yaml string and just execute it.

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