Tab not available if multiple app links exist with only one linked to a space

Issue #11 invalid
Andrew S created an issue

From a Marketplace review by Michael Virnstein on 08 Sep 2014:

If there are multiple application links for a project, even if only one link is pointing to a confluence space, the confluence tab is not available.

Comments (6)

  1. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    I'm having trouble replicating this. The plugin will show the tab for a given issue if:

    • JIRA has a primary application link to Confluence, AND
    • The project to which the issue belongs has a primary entity link (in JIRA terms, a project link) to a Confluence space

    My testing shows that if there are any app links to Confluence, one of them is always designated as the primary, so I can't see how having multiple app links would cause the tab not to appear.

    Michael, could you please attach here (or email me via aswan at atlassian dot com) a screenshot of the app links in your JIRA instance?

  2. Michael Virnstein

    After deleting all the application links on both sides and creating them newly it works now

  3. Michael Virnstein

    it looks the same as before deleting all application links, but as already mentioned it seems to work now.

  4. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    OK, thanks Michael, I'll close the issue as not being reproduceable. Please let me know if you have any other problems with it.

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