The confluence page content shows up in the "Activity" tab of other issues

Issue #15 closed
Sneha Sheth created an issue


I created a page for an issue (ABC-123) using the confluence issue tab plugin. I successfully see the page content on that issue under the confluence tab but what I noticed is if I go to any other issue from the same project I see that page content under the "Activity" tab.

Please advise on how to fix this.

Thanks, Sneha

Comments (8)

  1. Andrew S Account Deactivated

    I've replicated this with the latest code, I'll investigate further. My guess is that things appear on the Activity tabs of all issues by default; my plugin certainly doesn't add anything to that tab explicitly. I'm not sure it's a bug though; I'm checking with the JIRA team what is meant to appear on that tab. I've confirmed that the Confluence page content doesn't appear in the Activity tabs of issues in other projects.

  2. Andrew S Account Deactivated

    I've dug a bit further into this. It seems unrelated to this plugin; for example if you disable it, you still see the unexpected content. It seems to be more to do with how JIRA asks Confluence for items to add to the Activity tab. This is done via the streams API, and happens automatically whenever a JIRA project is linked to a Confluence space. I'm talking to the Confluence team now about whether this is working as intended.

  3. Andrew S Account Deactivated

    OK, now I see what's going on. JIRA is asking for activity relating to issue key ABC-123, however when Confluence uses this term in a Lucene search for pages containing that string, the issue key is tokenised into "ABC" and "123". Because the other issues' Confluence pages also contain "ABC", they are being found by this search. The problem can be fixed by wrapping the issue key in quotes before it reaches Lucene. I'll log an issue with whichever product or plugin needs to be modified.

  4. Andrew S Account Deactivated

    I've logged this as STRM-2274, thanks for reporting it. I'll close this here issue as there's no changes required to this plugin; it will simply start working once your JIRA instance is using a version of streams that contains the fix for STRM-2274.

  5. Sneha Sheth Account Deactivated reporter

    @AndrewSwan_au Thank you so much for following up and doing the needful. I appreciate your help.

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