Linking of JIRA issue with Confluence page by using issue links

Issue #21 new
Stefano Coletta created an issue


it would be nice if the linking mechanism between Jira and Confluence would be realized by using issue links rather than using issue page name. This alternative method has several benefits:

  1. Users can create a Confluence page with an arbitrary title (ie. a meaningful one for humans), not just the issue key that is JIRA specific;

  2. The linked Confluence page will have a link back to the issue (now I have to link the page myself from JIRA)

  3. Multiple pages can be rendered in the Confluence Issue Tab

  4. You'll use the standard JIRA method of linking issues to Confluence pages

  5. Already existing Confluence pages can be included in the JIRA Confluence Issue Tab without the need to rename the existing page to the issue key

Tell me what you think about it.



Comments (2)

  1. Tomi Kallio

    Using an arbitrary page title would also make it easier to use Confluence quick search to find the page you want. If the quick search only lists you issue keys (i.e. the page titles are issue keys), there is no way to quickly see which one of the pages it lists is the one you are looking for.

  2. Andrew S Account Deactivated

    Hello, plugin developer here. I see this issue has a few (6) votes now. I'm trying to get a better understanding of what it's suggesting and what the benefits would be.

    Users can create a Confluence page with an arbitrary title

    You'll use the standard JIRA method of linking issues to Confluence pages

    The linked Confluence page will have a link back to the issue (now I have to link the page myself from JIRA)

    You can get these benefits simply by using Jira's built-in issue links, without using my plugin at all.

    Multiple pages can be rendered in the Confluence Issue Tab

    How would the UI handle this scenario? An issue can have an unlimited number of links to pages. Would I show a drop-down of those, that controls which page is rendered in Jira? I'm not trying to criticise this idea, just trying to understand how it would work in practice.

    Already existing Confluence pages can be included in the JIRA Confluence Issue Tab without the need to rename the existing page to the issue key

    Yes, if the user added a link to them; this is the same as benefits 1, 3, and 4, if I understand you correctly.

    As background, the intent of this plugin was that Jira issues could be automatically linked to Confluence pages (and allow them to be created), based on some page naming convention. This is complementary to issue links; they serve different use cases. What I am considering doing is allowing the naming convention to be configurable, so that it's not simply the issue key. This flexibility would give you benefit 1 and maybe benefit 5.

    Anyway, please feel free to expand on your suggestion for using issue links.



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