Switch from XML-RPC to REST

Issue #23 resolved
Andrew S created an issue

The XML-RPC interface to Confluence is deprecated and not actively maintained. I should switch to the REST API, which should provide everything I need. XML-RPC methods I use at the moment are:

  • confluence2.getPage by space key and page title: can be replaced by GET /rest/api/content?spaceKey=foo&title=bar.
  • confluence2.renderContent for page ID: can be replaced by GET /rest/api/content/{page_id}?expand=body.styled_view (but need to clarify the presence of \n sequences in the returned HTML).

After making this change, there should be no need for the Confluence admin to enable the Remote API; I should update the docs and the Marketplace listing to reflect this.

Comments (6)

  1. Andrew S Account Deactivated reporter

    I've replaced the second and final call (confluence2.renderContent) in 0.5.0.

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