Issue/CONFSERVER-54168 fix user list macro performance issue

#11 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in issue/CONFSERVER-54168 (pull request #11)

682a17f·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-01-21


The is to fix the performance issue and add a configurable limit to user list macro following the decision page here:

As for the default limit, I think 10,000 is reasonable. A rough performance test in my local environment shows the loading time (server side) as below: * 6000 users: ~5 seconds * 10000 users: ~ 8 seconds * 25000 users: ~ 20 seconds * 45000 users: ~ 33 seconds I think it is able to support 100,000 user entries as the result is pretty linear. Of course the browser will have a hard time to render the data.

BTW, the code style of the macro was terrible. I could not resist updating the style in the classes that I touched. I'm afraid it's already made code review a lot harder.

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