Make Fugue simple wrappers such as Option, Pair etc. Serializable

Issue #11 resolved
Trevor Campbell created an issue

Make Fugue simple wrappers Option, Pair and Either implement Serializable so that they can be used as the keys (and possibly values) to caches in clustered environments.

Comments (5)

  1. Jed Wesley-Smith

    Pair perhaps (although I'm not sold on Serializable as a mechanism for distribution, it makes the binary format an API).

    Surely no-one should be using Option for keys or values?

  2. Trevor Campbell Account Deactivated reporter

    Option is the real candidate we found people using in JIRA as the default (field config or scheme or workflow or whatever) is often stored in the database with a null key. In other places people want to cache the miss, this is the most common usage.

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