Publish fugue 3.0 Milestone / Beta release / Track the migration process from 2.4 - 3.0

Issue #31 resolved
Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau created an issue

That would be greatly appreciated! (as I'm currently migrating some libraries that use fugue to java 8).

Comments (17)

  1. Anund McKague

    @jbgi have you been caught out by any changes? I'd like to work on and release another milestone over the weekend. It would be good to hear about pain points.

  2. Anund McKague

    The artefacts are there they just don't show up in that directory view until they are requested. For example Can you build the correct url for the pom on your end and access it? I'd like to rule out something silly like requests needing to come from the internal network to force things to resolve. (change the 2 to a 6 for example)

  3. Anund McKague

    For those places that fugue has equivalents (functions and iterables) I've tried to add equivalent code to fugue for guava. I'd like, where possible, to be able to just change the imports and recompile to make the migration work. (for example is a maybe todo list)

    I definitely do not want to make the issue worse. I'm aware Maps/lists/collections can be an intersection point for example. If you've written code using them you may have to play around with having both java and guava functions but I'm not sure how bad it can be.

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