Compilation error due to ambiguous getOrElse on a lambda

Issue #34 resolved
Ivor Popovic created an issue

Dealing with a snippet of code like the following in Java 8:

return someMethod(
        () -> UUID.fromString(someMethodThatReturnsAString())

And getting a compilation of the following;

 both method <B>getOrElse(B) in Option and method getOrElse(Supplier<? extends A>) in Option match
  where B,A are type-variables:
    B extends A declared in method <B>getOrElse(B)
    A extends Object declared in class Option
MyClass:54: error: incompatible types: cannot infer type-variable(s) B
        return someMethod(someMethodThatReturnsAnOption().getOrElse(() -> UUID.fromString(someMethodThatReturnsAString())));

Being explicit and casting it as so works, but is a bit ugly :) ->

return someMethod(
        (Supplier<UUID>)() -> UUID.fromString(someMethodThatReturnsAString())
