Javadoc not published to atlassian site

Issue #49 resolved
Colt Frederickson created an issue

The Javadocs for anything past 2.1 have not been published to the atlassian docs site.

This makes it hard for me to send colleagues to the documentation. Please publish it or let me know who's hosting it.

Comments (8)

  1. Anund McKague

    Sorted out the source of the missing upload in our build. Looking into adding the missing versions to docs.

  2. Colt Frederickson reporter

    Thanks a bunch! The library has been a great help! Coming to Java from Scala was rough and fugue has helped :)

  3. Anund McKague

    If you're looking for some feature or structure that's missing feel free to raise other issues.

  4. Anund McKague

    :\, @konradgarus what are you looking for in particular? The latest site release is here: 4.5.0. Are they accessible for you? For the older releases project reports and therefore their javadoc is accessible. The broken fugue-parent links don't help but they would just point to mostly empty toplevel docs.

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