Release 3.1

Issue #51 resolved
Anund McKague created an issue

@jbgi ok to work on releasing 3.1 as is?

Comments (8)

  1. Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau

    Yeah, optics will probably need a couple more weeks, so better not waiting for them.

  2. Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau

    By the way, the current branching strategy is a bit obscure to me: all 3 branches, v3.0.x, v3.1.x and master use the same maven version 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT. I would have expected that version to be used only by the v3.0.x branch . master would use 3.1-SNAPSHOT until the v3.1.x is branched out to prepare the release. After which point master would use 3.2-SNAPSHOT for the maven version.

    Is there a reason why this is not the case?

  3. Anund McKague reporter

    No, mostly just bad coordination on my part and a little bit of having 3.0, 3.1 and master on in progress at the same time.

  4. Anund McKague reporter

    I've bumped the version on master. I'll start working on cleaning up the javadoc today.

  5. Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau

    thanks for the release! there is still some versioning inconsistencies though:

    • master use 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT -> should be 3.2-SNAPSHOT
    • v3.1.x use 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT -> should be 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT
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