Optics: missing tests

Issue #54 resolved
Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau created an issue

For each optics for which their is laws, an <OpticSpec> should be created fugue-scala/src/test/scala/io/atlassian/fugue/optic/ with the following content:

  1. a test for the optic laws.
  2. for each as<OtherOptic> method, a test that the resulting optic satisfy corresponding laws.
  3. for each compose<OtherOptic>, a test that the resulting optic satisfy corresponding laws.

for now, only 1 and 2 has been done, and only for Prism in PrismSpec.

Then the laws of optic instances defined in /fugue-optics/src/main/java/io/atlassian/fugue/optic/std/ should also be checked.

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