Hiding extending types

Issue #26 resolved
Denis Rossi created an issue


my use case is to stitch a couple of Schemas, for example:

Service 1:

type Query{
  objects: [Object!]!

type Object {
  id: ID!
  value: String!

Service 2:

type Query {
  objectById(objectId: ID!): Object

type Object {
  id: ID!
  extension: ExtensionObject

type ExtensionObject {
  value: String!

The final (braided) schema I would like to have should be:

type Query{
  objects: [Object!]!

type Object {
  id: ID!
  value: String!
  extension: ExtensionObject

type ExtensionObject {
  value: String!

While building the SchemaSource I rename the conflicting type Object prefixing it with the namespace (i.e. service2)

I managed to hide the extension query objectById but cannot hide service2_ExtensionObject.

Where is the right place to do this transformation? Any idea?

Comments (3)

  1. Denis Rossi reporter

    Just renaming __service2_ExtensionObject instead of service2_ExtentionObject makes the trick.

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