JIRA Issue key is not displayed in HipChat notification

Issue #14 resolved
Former user created an issue

Upon creating a new issue in Jira, HipChat fails to display its issue key. Instead, the following string is displayed: $dto.issue.key

After updating that same issue in JIRA, the key is displayed correctly, namely --> XX-27

Environment: hipchat-for-jira-plugin-1.2.3.obr on a 6.1.2 JIRA BTF

Comments (3)

  1. Samuel Le Berrigaud

    I was able to reproduce the issue. This is caused by the fact the the post function is set before the "Create the issue originally" step. Moving the post function after fixes this behavior. See the attached screenshots which should be self explanatory.

    I'll see what I can do to alert users/admins about this mis-configuration of the post function.

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