Integration issue in Xcode 8 : Objective C project

Issue #2 new
Sukhvir Singh created an issue


We have an Xcode 8 Objective-c IOS application (for iOS 9+) in which we are trying to integrate this library. As mentioned in the documentation, we used Carthage for integrating the framework.

I had to enable modules in build settings and also had to add "Copy Files" and adding JIRAMobileConnect Framework in build phases for my project to recoginize the framework/module.

The import statement is working fine. The documentation mentions that I can use the function directly by adding below code in any controller :

[currentViewController presentFeedbackWithPromptUser:NO

The problem is this code won't work as currentViewcontroller for which I am using "self" does not declare this function. Please let me know how can I invoke the library function presentFeedbackWithPromptUser from my Objective-c controller.

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