LocalstackTestRunner: getEndpointSQS() points to "sns"

Issue #10 resolved
Terry Siu created an issue

Copied from corresponding github:

I was trying out the LocalstackTestRunner in JUnit and was unable to get SQS client working against the localstack endpoint. Turns out the getEndpointSQS() method references "sns". I made the change to "sqs", rebuilt the artifact, and I get the expected results. Can you please provide a quick fix for this? I have the code change including a unit test if you want it. Thanks!

I have a branch to create a PR from, but do not have permissions to push the branch to this repo.

Comments (3)

  1. Waldemar Hummer Account Deactivated

    Thanks for raising the issue here. We have recently made a couple of changes, this is now fixed in version 0.3.10.

    Regarding pull requests: The way it usually works is that you create a "fork" of the repository (see "Fork" link on the left side bar) in your own user account, then push your changes to a new branch in your copy (fork) of the repository, and then raise a pull request across repositories (from your repo onto the main repo).

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