Possible to update underlying S3 bucket?

Issue #19 resolved
Alexander Mohr created an issue

I have a testcase where I want to be able to set the LastModified of a S3 key, however there is not official API to be able to do this. Is it possible to do this with localstack?

Comments (4)

  1. Waldemar Hummer Account Deactivated

    @thehesiod There is no straight-forward/predefined way of how this can be achieved with LocalStack, but surely it is something that can be done. We might have to come up with a non-standard/backdoor API to set the LastModified date. Can you provide a sequence of aws ... CLI commands to show exactly what you would like to achieve (with the actual and expected output of each command). Thanks

  2. Alexander Mohr reporter

    I don't believe it's possible with the cli. But it is useful for testing :) another possibility would be mocking the clock that gets used to set the lastmodified

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