add support for kinesalite ssl flag

Issue #37 resolved
Arron Green created an issue

kinesalite has the option to pass in --ssl to bind via local https. Is it possible for localstack to support this as well?

Outside of localstack i have had success with using the --ssl flag with the help of aws --no-verify-ssl --endpoint-url https://localstack:4568 kinesis create-stream --stream-name foo, and setting the KPL's configuration VerifyCertificate=false and AWS_CBOR_DISABLE=1

Comments (3)

  1. Waldemar Hummer Account Deactivated

    Thanks for reporting @dorkscript , we were actually already working on the feature. This is released in version 0.5.5, can you please give it a try with the latest Docker image? (pypi package yet to be published) Thanks

  2. Arron Green reporter

    @w_hummer I ran it through my usual test suite and it worked out great. You helped me simplify my docker-compose file!

    Thanks :)

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