Specified region is ignored when a Lamda function is created and invoked

Issue #48 resolved
Yohei Onishi created an issue

I tried to add a lamda function in ap-northeast-1, but the function is always created in us-east-1. This is an issue when I want to explicitly invoke a function is specified region.

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************RQTA]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************IZoa]:
Default region name [ap-northeast-1]:
Default output format [json]:

$ aws \
  --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4574 \
  lambda create-function \
  --region ap-northeast-1 \
  --function-name helloworld \
  --zip-file fileb://`pwd`/helloworld.zip \
  --role r1 \
  --handler helloworld.handler \
  --runtime nodejs6.10

The function is created in us-east-1.

$ aws \
  --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4574 \
  lambda list-functions
    "Functions": [
            "FunctionName": "helloworld",
            "FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:helloworld",
            "Runtime": "nodejs6.10",
            "Handler": "helloworld.handler",
            "Timeout": 60,
            "Version": "$LATEST"

Even if I specified ap-northeast-1 when I invoke the function, the functin is executed.

$ aws   --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4574   lambda invoke   --invocation-type RequestResponse   --function-name helloworld   --region ap-northeast-1   --payload '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}'   outputfile.txt
    "StatusCode": 200
$ cat outputfile.txt
START RequestId: 48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275 Version: $LATEST
2017-07-05T05:23:59.893Z        48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275    Loading function
2017-07-05T05:23:59.894Z        48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275    value1 = value1
2017-07-05T05:23:59.894Z        48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275    value2 = value2
2017-07-05T05:23:59.894Z        48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275    value3 = value3
END RequestId: 48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275
REPORT RequestId: 48b8dd3a-224f-1413-e40c-f11e37bf9275  Duration: 4.38 ms       Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1536 MB    Max Memory Used: 29 MB

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