Multiple base paths and precompile don't play well together

Issue #9 new
Marcin Szczepanski created an issue

Parable has a base option that is used to generate a relative filename for Babel. If you have a directory structure like this:

- core - foo - bar - baz.js
- plugin - beep - boop - blah.js

You can only specify a single parable.base for the whole pre-compile. If you specify core as the base, then the relative filename of plugin/beep/boop/blah.js will be ../plugin/beep/boop/blah.js, but if you are using Babel to generate named AMD modules you probably want it to be beep/boop/blah.js.

There might be a couple of ways of solving the problem, this is a rough quick and probably non-exhaustive list:

  • create a .parablerc config. When transforming a file, walk up the directory tree to the closest .parablerc to find the base. This might get expensive.
  • add parable options to .babelrc and search for that. Same cons as above.
  • optionally allow base to be a bases array of paths - the closest matching one for the current file will be used

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