puppet module not working out of the box (at least in RedHat 6.5)

Issue #4 new
Nicko Glayre created an issue

Looks like rest_client (or rest-client) gem is missing on puppet 3.4 which comes with embedded 1.9.1 ruby version. With puppet and nexus 2.11.x installed on a RedHat 6.5 (I know it is writen that the module is tested on an Ubuntu 12.04), the module is not working out of the box. I don't know if this is because of RedHat and didn't tested on Ubuntu. It is not really a problem as the incrimined gem can be downloaded and put at the right place, however as I guess it is one of the main "brick" of the module it may be good to inform about this dependency.

Comments (7)

  1. Peter Leschev Account Deactivated


    We've only ever run with this puppet module on Ubuntu, we would be very happy to receive contributions to make this module RH compatible (even if it's just to update the doco). Just to confirm, are you running Open Source Puppet or Puppet Enterprise?

    Cheers, Peter

  2. Nicko Glayre reporter

    We're running Puppet Entreprise. So if I understand you well, this puppet module is working out of the box on Ubuntu ?

  3. Peter Leschev Account Deactivated

    Ah, we might be installing the gem on our our machines by default so we're not seeing this explicit dependency. @mmeinhold should we add a manifest with this gem package dep or just update the doco of requirements?

  4. Martin Meinhold

    Yeah, we could add a miminal install.pp manifest the would do something like

    package { 'rest-client':
      ensure   => '1.6.7',
      provider => 'gem'
    // same for mime-type

    This /may/ require to install rubygems as well.

  5. Antoine Boegli

    Mmh, part of the problem would be that we need the reat-client gem installed in the Puppet Ruby tree and not in the system Ruby tree...

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