Missing information from JavaDoc in REST API Browser

Issue #6 new
Holger Schimanski created an issue

As written in the documentation https://developer.atlassian.com/docs/atlassian-platform-common-components/rest-api-development/documenting-your-apis-with-the-atlassian-rest-api-browser about the REST API Browser I was expecting that JavaDoc and some more extra annotations would be visible in the REST API Browser, but I see some major information missing here.

If you look for example at method delete for https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/latest/com/atlassian/jira/rest/v2/issue/ComponentResource.html, then @param id description and also all @response is not shown.

 * Delete a project component.
 * @param id           The component to delete.
 * @param moveIssuesTo The new component applied to issues whose 'id' component will be deleted.
 *                     If this value is null, then the 'id' component is simply removed from the related isues.
 * @return An empty or error response.
 * @response.representation.204.doc Returned if the component is successfully deleted.
 * @response.representation.403.doc Returned if the currently authenticated user does not have permission to delete the component.
 * @response.representation.404.doc Returned if the component does not exist or the currently authenticated user does not have permission to
 * view it.
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") final String id, @QueryParam("moveIssuesTo") String moveIssuesTo) {


I am using REST API Browser Plugin 3.1.3 with JIRA 7.0.0 and Atlassian SDK 6.2.2 incl. AMPS 6.2.1.

Comments (7)

  1. Eitzenberger Thomas

    Second that, RAP 3.2.1 on JIRA v7.1.8#71012-sha1:d834917

    Do you also get lots of exceptions in the logs? /rest/applinks-oauth/1.0/application.wadl [c.a.p.r.c.error.jersey.ThrowableExceptionMapper] Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: Could not initialize class com.atlassian.plugins.rest.doclet.generators.schema.Annotations

    and many more for other resources

  2. Eitzenberger Thomas

    @hski are you maybe interested in writing a simple API parser based on Javadoc annotations TOGETHER? I have scanned the market and all are either tooo LARGE / complex (Swagger) or not working (RAP), so its in my backlog for October / November

    br Thomas

  3. Holger Schimanski reporter

    I was about to write REST API documentation with http://enunciate.webcohesion.com/ and did some first steps.

  4. Eitzenberger Thomas

    @hski any update? WOuld be VERY interested how you integrated this tool into atlassian mvn tool chain

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