Feature: OAuth support

Issue #17 wontfix
Brett Swift created an issue

We may be using this plugin as a way to integrate with AWS CI/CD pipelines. For your reference, this process: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/integrating-git-with-aws-codepipeline/

It would be nice to have OAuth support here. Right now I have to set the repository as public. That's not really all that bad of an idea... until SecOps has a hissy fit. :)

Maybe the Bitbucket Enterprise functionality would be ported here in a future version instead of requiring a plugin?

Thanks for creating this plugin.

Comments (1)

  1. Bryan Turner Account Deactivated

    Bitbucket Server 5.5 introduced personal access tokens, which, while not OAuth, can be used in a similar way. Access tokens can be used with the built-in archive functionality (introduced in-product in 5.1).

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